The Robin @ Home

Yesterday evening while walking around our yard surveying the damage from this past week’s hail storm, we noted all the marks on our fence, and of course the branch which has broken off the best tree in the back yard.  And while checking on the Little Gem Magnolia tree and noting how the leaves were all beat up and broken, I happened to notice something rust colored inside the branches.  Can you see it?

Surprise in the Tree

As I got closer, I realized that the American Robin that I had photographed just the other day, actually lives in my yard.  She (not he) has built her nest right here in our little tree!  I was very careful to back away without disturbing her, and I took these pictures from my porch with my 100-400 lens to give her plenty of room.  I want her to feel safe here.  Here is a shot once I zoomed in.

American Robin Nesting

It looks like we are well on our way to having a “bird friendly” back yard.  As an added benefit, I’m finding it very relaxing sitting in the back yard with a book and my camera.  Who needs television anyway?  This is much more enjoyable!