Wyoming to Music

A few months back Karen and I took a trip to Jackson Wyoming where we got to visit the Grand Teton and Yellowstone National Parks.  A little time has passed and I’ve had time to go through the holidays and also the pictures and put together a little video.  Hope you enjoy a virtual trip to Wyoming…

The Wyoming Adventure Day 4

Welcome to day 4!  This morning we slept in a little to recover from the death climb from the (near) bottom of the Grand Caynon of Yellowstone and as we looked outside, we really didn’t miss much.  Still raining, but it looked to be letting up, so we got up and decided to go for breakfast.  After filling our bellies we decided that cloudy pictures are better than no pictures so off we headed, this time back to the Teton National Park.  First stop, back to the Chapel of the Transfiguration.  Even with the clouds covering the mountains, you can get an idea of what it must be like to worship in this place.  Who needs a stained glass window when you have God’s handiwork right outside!

Chapel Window

Next we took a drive along the coast of Jenny Lake.  They have spectacular views of the mountains there, at least when they aren’t covered in clouds.  On still days you can get perfect reflections in the lake.  Unfortunately, we had neither a clear sky nor still water, but I think the cloud covered peaks are starting to grow on me.  There’s just something about them…

Jenny Lake

Shortly after leaving Jenny Lake, we came upon a spot on the road when about 20 cars pulled over, and as we have already learned that only means one thing around here… WILDLIFE!  So we pull over, jump out with cameras in hand and make a very short climb to see what everyone is looking at.  There we see a mamma moose and her calf grazing in the grass.  We noticed that the mamma was limping and the ranger there said that they had spotted her yesterday in the area and don’t know what had happened to her.  This close to winter there is some doubt that she will make it through to spring, but there is always hope.

Moose and Calf

Next stop was Cunningham’s Cabin.  This is supposed to be the first settlement in the area, or at least the first non-native settlement.  🙂  It looks like Mr Cunningham picked a very nice spot for his cabin.

Cunningham Cabin

Can you imagine waking up every morning to this out your bedroom window?  This would definitely work from home country!

Cunningham Window

As the day was coming to a close, we stopped by Snake River Overlook for some sunset shots.  The first thing we noticed when walking through the parking lot was a rustling in the weeks.  My first thought was a dangerous rabbit with huge sharp pointy teeth, but it turned out to be a simple chipmunk.  I wasn’t sure about the pointy teeth though so I kept my distance.


After shooting the little chipmunk, I set up my tripod and before long there was about 20 other photographers all standing around waiting on the sun.  By this time most of the clouds had cleared away and it was obvious to everyone that the sunset was going to be one to see.  Here are a couple of shots as the sun progressed behind the mountains.

Teton Sundogs

Teton Sunset

There was one last thing that was catching my attention.  The peak of Grand Teton never really let go of it’s little cloud even after all the other peaks were cleared and then it hit me.  Actually I overheard someone else mention this and then I knew what it was.  They said, “Hey, that looks like a painting I saw once of the Mountain of God.”  Of course.  In the book of Exodus when God descended to Mount Sinai to speak to the Children of Israel.  Here is the description:  Exo 19:18  “Mount Sinai was covered with smoke, because the LORD descended on it in fire. The smoke billowed up from it like smoke from a furnace, the whole mountain trembled violently…”  I know it is only a cloud, but it’s a pretty dramatic cloud!  🙂

Mountain of God

Until day 5…

The Wyoming Adventure Day 1

Today we left Dallas for Jackson WY.  Most of the day was spent in airports and airplanes.  Our day started at DFW airport and from there we flew to Denver.  Interesting thing about the Denver Airport, there are birds that fly all over the place INSIDE the airport!  That’s a little different.  Apparently they care deeply about their sparrows and allow them to stay indoors.  I hear it gets cold there in the winter.  🙂

Denver Birds

From there we flew on to Jackson.  Quite the magnificant sight coming in for a landing with the Grand Tetons out the window.

Landing At Jackson

We plan on taking many more pictures over the next 6 days.  Stay tuned!  I have the feeling that Psalm 121 will be going through my mind many times over the next few days.

Psalms 121:1-8
(1)  A song of ascents. I lift up my eyes to the hills– where does my help come from?
(2)  My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth.
(3)  He will not let your foot slip– he who watches over you will not slumber;
(4)  indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.
(5)  The LORD watches over you– the LORD is your shade at your right hand;
(6)  the sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night.
(7)  The LORD will keep you from all harm– he will watch over your life;
(8)  the LORD will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.