Motorcycle Ride

Today we went for a ride with our local Fellowship Riders group from Lakeland Baptist Church here in Lewisville, TX.  While the weatherman was calling for a 40% chance of thunder storms, we rode anyway and did not get wet.

As you can tell from the photo below, it did impact our turnout a bit.  There were 5 bikes total when we started but one guy had some work at home that had to be taken care of so he left us after breakfast.

Click on the photo to see more shots from the ride that Karen took with her new Rebel T1i.  We still playing with the settings to figure out what will be the best setting for the back of a motorcycle so she got fewer than usual.  I’m thinking setting her in TV mode with a shutter speed of 250 with auto ISO would help.  These were taken in P mode with auto ISO and the shutter speed was just way to slow on many of the shots.


Enjoy, and hope to see you join us on a ride soon!  Our next scheduled ride will meet at Lakeland at 7:30am on June 13th.


Stormy Days

So I go out to scout a ride or our church motorcycle group and of course it is raining.  So I have to head out in my car.  At least I can take my camera with me and take care of 2 things at once.  So I head north out of the metro-plex and end up north-west of Munster TX where I see these very large windmills blowing in the 40mph+ wind and rain.



Even caught a quick video of it.  You can hear the wind whipping around the car as I sit there shooting this.  It was blowing so hard from the north that since I was shooting out of the south side window, I wasn’t getting wet at all.

On my trip back toward the south I ended up in Forestberg, TX where this little log cabin is on the side of the road.  Apparently it was at one time used by the Texas Rangers.  It looked interesting so I stopped.


And finally, once I got home, I was greeted by the boys who looked at me as if to say, “Why did you distruge our nap?”  Ya just gotta love ’em.


This weekend I will actually lead our group on this ride and perhaps will have more photos of the “gang” to share.

Until then, remember Who made you!

Wild Weather Weekend!

It even started out as a busy weekend.  Karen and I had way too many things to do.  We had 2 graduations, and 2 birthdays in 3 different towns in Oklahoma, plus a planned motorcycle ride with our group and a deacon’s retreat.  Obviously we couldn’t do them all so we did what we could.  Since graduations are a one time thing, we opted for those.  One of those was in McAlester OK for Karen’s niece Jacalyn on Friday evening.  The other was for my nephew Bryan in Ada OK on Saturday.  So, Saturday found me going to Ada and leaving Karen in McAlester for her dad’s birthday.  Later in the afternoon before I headed back, Karen called my cell phone to tell me that I had missed all the excitement.  A tornado had passed right over their house, and on top of that, she got pictures!  The really strange part was that my nephew-in-law Gerry and I were both just talking about how neither of us had ever seen a tornado in real life right before she called.  Strange timing for sure.  Below is one of her pictures. 

So, there ya go.  While I still haven’t see one personally, I am intimate with someone who has.  🙂  I guess that’s the next best thing.